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Jumat, 01 Juli 2022

Conversation 17 : Talking About The Zoo

Know Less Speak Less, Know More Speak More.
Do you know what that sentence means? That means Know More Talk More. Or maybe in a more complete sentence if you want to speak more English sentences then you need to know more English words. Maybe the phrase is very suitable or very appropriate in answering questions, some students feel that they have memorized a lot of vocabulary, have often practiced some conversation scripts but they can't speak English well. My answer may be that you are ignorant or lack of socialization, you lack information so that you are quiet and unable to express your thoughts, ideas to others. 
Know Less Speak Less, Know More Speak More. Anda tahu maksud kalimat tersebut? Itu artinya Tahu Lebih Banyak Bicara Lebih Banyak. Atau mungkin dalam bentuk kalimat yang lebih lengkap if you want to speak more then you have to know more, atau dalam bahasa Indonesianya, Kalau ingin berbicara lebih banyak maka kamu harus mengetahui lebih banyak. Mungkin ungkapan kalimat tersebut sangat cocok atau sangat tepat dalam menjawab pertanyaan sebagian siswa yang merasa sudah banyak menghafal kosa kata, sudah sering mempraktekkan percakapan tapi tak kunjung bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan baik. Jawaban saya mungkin kamu kuper alias kurang pergaulan, kamu kekurangan informasi sehingga kamu pendiam dan tidak mampu mengungkapkan pikiran, ide atau gagasan kamu kepada orang lain.

So, memang sangat berhubungan bahwa kamu memang perlu untuk KNOW MORE supaya nantinya kamu bisa SPEAK MORE.


 : Mikey. Time for bed [Why?] Why? It's getting dark out. Well, do you want to talk before you go to bed? [yeah] Uh, what do you want to talk about?
 : Um, the zoo
Dad  : The zoo? Oh, that was so fun when we went to the zoo. What did you like best about the zoo?
 : Um, the porcupines
 : They werre big, weren't they? And what else...yeah. What else do you remember?
 : Um, the two giraffes
 : The two giraffes? And were they taller than me or shorter than me?
 : Over your head

 : They were over my head. They were pretty tall. And what else do you remember? I remember...didn't you see an elephant? [Yeah] What about the elephant do you remember? [Um] what was he...was he eating? [yeah] He was eating. And then, momy said something happened with the elephant. That he did something
 : He throwed dirt on us
 : He did? Oh, how did he do that? With his foot?
 : No, with his trunk

Untuk belajar Percakapan lain : 

Untuk belajar Ungkapan Kalimat :  

Mengucapkan Kata Bahasa Inggris:    

Mengerjakan Latihan Kosa Kata :      

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